Well, Jorgie juiced not one, but two.
Two grand slams in two days. I have nothing but respect for the man.
In my brother's first post, he said he was a "Posada guy." You'll notice he didn't refer to Posada as his "favorite." I point this out because of a conversation Mike and I had the other day.
Me: Mike, who is your favorite Yankee?
Mike: I don't have one.
Me: What?
Mike: I know who I don't like. (He grimaces). Scott Proctor (with detectable venom in his voice).
Yes, that's right. My brother insists he doesn't have a favorite player. This is a completely foreign concept to me. I'm a Pettite girl. And by that I mean Andy Pettitte is my favorite player.
Mike probably finds this a little odd mainly because Pettitte seems to go against what I stand for. If you asked my best friend to describe me she would say "Intensely loyal." Seriously, I've been known to blacklist people just for looking at my friends the wrong way.
And Pettitte left us for the Astros.
And anyone who knows me would describe me as a rule follower. My dad called me "the sheriff" when I was three.
And Pettitte admitted to steroid usage.
So why would he possibly be my favorite?
The honest answer is I have no idea. I think it has something to do with the crazy eyes he gets when he's pitching well. He pitched all three clinchers in the post-season. And the clincher in the '98 series.
But I've always just felt he was a good guy. He seems to genuinely love his kids and his team.
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